Sunday, April 7, 2013

Excuses excuses

This week was supposed to be the beginning of our new financial lives. didn't pan out that way. I began this week extremely excited about this new project- I was going to create a budget and start fixing our dismal financial outlook. 

Then I needed to pay $500 for my car to be fixed. Then Greenbeans nail ripped off. Then Jurassic Park got releases in 3-D, so I had to spend an unspecified amount of time acting as a dinosaur. 

Basically, I flaked. Tomorrow, however, I've blocked out a few hours of my day to start this project. A budget will be created, it will be color-coded, and it will be laminated. I'm planning my first shopping trip, so ill also create a grocery list and clip coupons. 

I'm disappointed in myself for losing a week, but life goes on. Tomorrow is a new day and another change to get on the right financial path. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Welcome to my housewife life...on a budget!

What's this all about? 

This blog was started with one thing in mind: challenging myself to work on my financial fitness. My husband and I are a little slow on the upswing, having started this 6 months post-wedding. Better late than never, right! Right? 

This blog will focus on creating a budget for my family, sharing my tips and tricks, rejoicing in my successes, boohooing at my failures, and basically sharing My housewife life on a budget!
